Enviroplug® Medium Chips by Wyo-Ben, 50 lb. Bag


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ENVIROPLUG® MEDIUM & COURSE were the first bentonite chips developed and marketed. They are pure Wyoming Bentonite, designed for use as sealants for hole abandonment casing seals or any vertical seal to prevent water movement up or down a bore hole. When absorbing water, ENVIROPLUG® MEDIUM and COURSE swell to fill voids, exerting pressure against all surfaces to create a flexible low permability seal. Since ENVIROPLUG® is introduced in a “dry” state, shrinkage cannot occur and there is a reserve expansion capacity. Generally hydration takes 1 to 2 hours. Product Specifications

  • Sizing: -⅜” + ¼”
  • Bulk Density: 68lb/ft³
  • Mositure Content: 15% ± 2
  • Permeability: 1 x 10-9 cm/sec

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