Cured Cement, Concrete, Mortar, Grout and Stucco Remover / Dissolver BACK-SET: TOTALLY SAFE and USER FRIENDLY! BACK-SET is an acid alternative with no fumes or odors. BACK-SET is completely biodegradable and environmentally safe. BACK-SET does not contain muriatic, hydrochloric, hydroflouric, sulfuric or phosphoric acids. The active ingredient occurs naturally in sugar cane syrup. This product is one of a kind! Shipping Weight approximately 10 lbs. TURNS HARD SET UP CEMENT BACK INTO RINSE-ABLE MUD! BACK-SET comes in several different container sizes to satisfy your cleaning needs! A one quart spray bottle containing 32 oz. of product is available. This spray bottle is easily refilled with our one gallon jug.
Cost per gallon becomes even more economical as the container size increases. 5 gallon bucket, 55 gallon drum, 275 gallon tote
BACK-SET may be used to remove cured cement, concrete, mortar, grout and stucco off virtually any surface without harm. Equipment type: ready-mix trucks, mixers, vehicles, forms, molds, buggies, ship-holds, tankers, pumps, trowels, screeds, vibrators, concrete saws, slip form pavers, augers, and more. Accessories such as hand-operated pump sprayers, air-operated sprayers and brushes are sold separately. (Instructions for use)